Retargeting, Conversion Optimization, Digital Marketing

Retargeting Strategies: Proven Strategies That Drive Results

What do you need to try when it comes to retargeting?

Here are three retargeting examples that really work, and how to copy them. You should also be aware of the future of retargeting.

Retarget individual URL clicks

There are a lot of ways to commit retargeting errors. Marketers may use Facebook or Google Ad campaigns to fire up and run a retargeting campaign based on website visits in the last 90 days.

Working smarter, not harder is my philosophy, so that can work. However, it’s not really that effective.

It’s great to get the same results with as little effort as possible, but please don’t expect to spend hours on the same task.

In the past, I ran Facebook retargeting campaigns through the Facebook Business Manager (now known as the Facebook Business Suite).

To retarget all of the people who visited my site, all I would have to do is re-target them.

How My Company Can Increase Your Website Traffic Constitutes an Example of How My Organization Can Drive Significant Traffic to Your Site

No one was willing to buy yet. Why? I cast too wide a net. It is impossible to achieve a 50% conversion rate on an audience of millions. A visitor to your website, X, might have read a single blog post and bounced away. Now let’s say visitor Y came to your site, read that same blog post, and then also filled out a lead-magnet form and checked out your product and pricing page.

There is no reason for visitor Y to be interested in your lead magnet if visitor X has not yet tried your free trial. Sending the wrong offer to the wrong person at the wrong stage of their buyer’s journey is a risk. What should you do? Focus on certain actions taken on your site to target users.

I believe Facebook and Google Ads are two excellent platforms. Facebook is a great retargeting ad platform to use for this example. It’s not that I find greater success on Facebook ads than on Google ads, it’s just that I find greater success using Facebook ads than on Google ads. Everyone has their own preference.

To begin, log into the Facebook Business Suite and create a new, custom audience. You’ll be able to find the “Ad Manager” tool once they update their platform.

Once you reach the audience, create a new ad campaign. Then, add your information until you get to the “custom audience” option.

Facebook custom audiences should be your primary retargeting strategy. Marketing can utilize the most diverse options for customization with these ads. You can create a new custom audience from the menu dropdown. We want to select website traffic as our marketing goal from the menu of custom audience options.

You can generate lists of individuals who have visited a particular URL.

Next, choose “People who visited specific web pages.”

You can get as in-depth as you want from here.

Are you preparing for a webinar? Are you driving traffic to a landing page in order to achieve a particular objective? Many people read about your product but don’t convert, right? It’s time to win them back.

Retargeting existing customers is an effective way to boost your business.

It is a great way to drive repeat business and increase revenue.

“Why would you want to retarget existing customers?”

The reason is simple: to bring back inactive email subscribers who have not made a purchase in a while.

Email lists suffer from the fact that most of your subscribers eventually become unresponsive. The list will experience “churn,” where new visitors join and old ones become unresponsive. Your unsubscribe upsells aren’t even reaching your intended users.

What do you do? Retarget your existing customers.

Because the ad messages are so relevant, your click-through rate will be very high. You risk nothing by asking your customers to return to purchase more of your products and services because they already have.

And it’s simple to deploy as well. You can set up this type of ad on either AdWords or Facebook in a few minutes, and it only costs a few dollars.

To get started, go to the Facebook Ads Manager and click Create an Audience on the menu.

Next, create another Custom Audience and select Customer List.

That’s where you can upload your audience list. If a green check mark appears, you’re good to go. If you see a yellow exclamation point, you may need to update some identifiers manually.

We can import contacts or export an old list of customers for import. The key is to sort your customer file or email list by how old or unresponsive customers are. Don’t waste money advertising to your constantly buying customers. Direct your efforts on customers that haven’t converted or haven’t responded to marketing emails. You can try again with this tactic to win back your audience.

Lead-gen Advertisements Based on Page Engagement as part of your Retargeting Strategies

The best approach may be to retarget people who don’t appear to be finding success with website-based retargeting efforts.

“Lead Ads” is a superb lead generation mechanism on Facebook. These ads use form data to target leads and collect email addresses and job types as payment for lead magnets. It’s the same idea as running an e-book lead magnet on a landing page on your website, just on Facebook. It’s one of the most straightforward, natural-looking designs you can create.

They’re immaculately integrated ads that provide a lead magnet for the customer. The best way to run these ads is by using Facebook page engagement as a retargeting setting.

Because it doesn’t force users to leave Facebook, this campaign is incredibly effective at getting people to convert.

Advertisements are not what people frequent Facebook for. People use Facebook to communicate with friends and family or to read news articles.

Taking someone offsite is a big risk that can waste your ad spend and lower conversions. This is why lead ads are so successful. They don’t disrupt the routine of a typical Facebook user, yet they still allow them to receive the lead magnet.

I have used these kinds of ads before. A clear CTA is provided by using them.

Why should you target retargeted ads to people based on Facebook page engagement?

Believing these users are still active on Facebook, your retargeting efforts are going to be much more successful. These super-aware consumers are likely to be checking out new brands on social media all the time. It makes sense to target Facebook Ads at people like them.

You want these retargeted customers to provide you with their email addresses so that you can offer them an incentive or offer in this section.

What sort of offering will it be? For example, do you plan to publish an e-book, white paper, coupon, or something else? You need to provide a reason for them to fill out your form and click on the call to action.

Visitors don’t want to be overwhelmed or distracted. We want to make lead collection as simple and pleasant as possible.

Facebook’s page-based retargeting is one of my favorite methods of driving users back to my website or converting on lead magnets and products. They’re interested in Facebook, and tend to use it in unique ways. They seek out businesses on the platform instead of merely using it to interact with family or friends.

Use this as an opportunity to convert visitors that wouldn’t convert on your site, or showed interest in your pages.

Some Frequently Asked Questions About Retargeting Strategies

What are the best retargeting strategies? Is re-targeting worth it?

Yes, having retargeting strategies is a worthwhile effort that would be made if you are able to execute a successful campaign through remarketing.

It would be more effective to target those who have already been exposed to your brand and are close to making a purchase than to target an audience that has never been exposed to or interacted with your brand before. In other words, you’re talking to the people you recruited earlier in the sales funnel.

Can you run marketing and remarketing campaigns at the same time?

The final step is to identify the best retargeting strategy to apply. Only a small part of your website traffic will become customers on their first visit. They don’t know who you are or what you do, and they certainly don’t care. They aren’t ready or willing to buy your product or service yet.

The users can be retargeted through retargeting ads when they are nearer to conversion. There are still a few methods for retargeting visitors without driving them crazy, even though “banner blindness” has become widespread.

The most effective retargeting efforts you can use to convert customers are those that target specific URL visits. On my Facebook feed, I see them all the time and I constantly convert.

Next, try retargeting unresponsive, existing customers.

In other words, send them a few ads to increase sales if they haven’t done so lately. If you want to generate leads, you must run lead generation ads that are in sync with your site’s activity.

Get Started with Bonelli Systems

Learn more about how Bonelli Systems can help you leverage market insights for your business success.

As a trailblazer in digital marketing, Bonelli Systems provides a comprehensive suite of services, encompassing everything from retargeting, email marketing, and social media marketing to search engine optimization and business automation. Our unwavering commitment to our customers, coupled with our white-glove support, sets us apart in the industry. We believe in a symbiotic relationship with our clients – as they grow, so do we. Discover more about our services and how we can propel your business growth.

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