
Email Verification
Email Verification
Accurate, fast and secure email validation service

We help you find valid emails in real-time, reach the inbox reliably, and connect with your customers. Drive your open rates and ROI with 99% accurate email validation, AI-driven scoring, Email Finder, and email deliverability tools!

Bonelli Systems--
What Does It Do
Bonelli Systems

Email issues we help fix

Email verification service helps you clean up your email list by removing:

  • Email typos
  • Nonexistent email accounts
  • Email accounts likely to mark your messages as “spam”
  • Spam traps
  • Other risky email addresses
Bonelli Systems

Why you need to verify your emails

Your sender reputation is at stake.

When you email incorrect, fake or spammy email addresses it drives up your marketing costs and drives down your ROI.

Over time, it can also impact your sender reputation, which is like a credit score for your email address. The more “bad” addresses you email, the worse your emails perform and the lower your score.

This means your email list not only impacts the effectiveness of your email campaigns today, but your future deliverability, too.

Bonelli Systems
Bonelli Systems

Find valid contacts with Email Finder

Don’t risk a bounce by guessing an email address.

In three steps, Email Finder can help you locate new email contacts in real time for your list:

  1. Enter a person’s name
  2. Enter a domain
  3. Get a validated address

Know who you’re sending to and what type of email address is on your email list. We’ll search for correct patterns and let you know whether an email is valid or a high-risk address that can negatively affect your email deliverability.

Email Finder does not process stored data, but uses proprietary technologies to help you find new email leads in real time.

Bonelli Systems
Ensuring emails and results get delivered!
Bonelli Systems
Bonelli Systems