Digital Marketing, Competitive Advantage, Online Marketing, Online Strategies

Integrated Online Marketing Strategies – Top 10 Reasons You Need an Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy to Beat Your Competitors

If you don’t combine digital marketing, you’ll lose connections, conversions, and income. You leave windows and doors open, allowing competitors to convert customers before you can. Even a multimillion-dollar brand won’t help.

Why you can’t ignore the problem

Single-channel, stagnant or ineffective digital marketing causes your firm to lose credibility and ROI.

Mobile internet has surpassed desktop and is growing. If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, or if you’re not optimizing for mobile search or employing mobile advertisements, you’re missing out on a massive market.

Internet-savvy consumers understand marketing and advertising. They don’t believe traditional advertising, but they trust organic authenticity and authority. SEO, content, and other marketing operations must work together for maximum ROI.

Consumers are trustworthy. Digital brand awareness is boosted through reviews, links, and social sharing. When others share your brand and content, more people will too.

Multi-device and channel consumers. All ages, especially kids, are affected. Users will think you’re a dinosaur if you ignore the larger picture. If you can’t handle various marketing channels, how will you manage individuals who use multiple devices and channels? If you handle this integrated plan poorly, that’s worse. You’ll lose traffic, conversions, and revenue if consumers doubt you.

Why you need an Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy

The problem will worsen unless you act. You’ll lose consumers’ trust and interest as integrated-marketing competitors steal your thunder.

At best, your numbers will go down as time goes on.

At worst, you’ll become a relic online, with little to no activity on your website, service or product pages.

Many brands try to fix this with ineffective solutions. So many organizations invest in one or two marketing channels that have always worked, not recognizing they don’t have enough. Their solution is worse.

If you only care about marketing, you’re setting yourself up for failure if something changes or goes wrong. Things will change, too. Nothing is more unpredictable than the digital landscape, and brands with integrated Internet marketing strategies can change direction and get back on track faster when trends change.

What does an integrated marketing strategy give you?

Here are ten reasons why you should invest in an integrated digital marketing strategy right now.

1. Setting strategic goals and sticking to those plans

Without a strategy, your multichannel or integrated marketing may fail. Why?

Without a plan, digital marketing is like racing uphill. Once wheels are in motion, they can’t be stopped.

A strategy outlines the future. You may realize your destination is wrong once you start making this map. Planning allows you change your company’s marketing plan. By identifying strategic goals beforehand, you may ensure enterprise-wide marketing.

Strategy isn’t A-B-hope. It’s a stairstep technique with definable milestones that helps you assess your goals, activities, and performance and make improvements. It’s cheaper and faster than a chaotic approach. Small enterprises and solopreneurs can market more.

Strategic marketing planning? Think resolutions.

Experts say aspirational resolutions are pointless. Healthy or wealthy? How will you get there?

Marketing pros have goals. These tactics boost earnings. First-rate? Second, you set standards, goals, advice, and benchmarks. Every goal has tasks. Roles make involving the team and vendors easy.

By doing each job, you’ll advance quickly. Your integrated marketing plan hits milestones and goals as you stack them.

Lead to ConversionTM eases this. Every task’s optional. We decrease your team’s marketing load without compromising goals and vision. First, we build an integrated marketing plan. We implement it.

Integrating a marketing plan would be worth it only for this. And more.

2. An online platform that is competitive

No integrated marketing approach lets competitors beat you in the market. A poor integrated marketing plan based on limited experience, best guesses, or every stakeholder’s opinion does the same.

If you don’t undertake research and consult experts, you may not reach the majority of your audience. If you’re not losing to existing competitors, you’re chasing new ones. New competitors don’t have “gut reactions,” so they research.

It may include:

Understanding the target audience and consumer of today and tomorrow. Know where and how to approach your customers online?

Knowing which keywords to target for PPC optimization and success, and keeping up with trends. Know which keywords work? What inspired those keywords?

Content style, duration, and themes. Do pillar posts outperform short and sweet in your niche? Should you write in first or third person? Does your audience prefer news, how-tos, or fun pieces?

Where should you place ads for the maximum conversion rates, and what few words can you use in PPC text ads?

How can you best engage your target audience on social media? Paid adverts or organic content? What posts get the most shares and clicks?

These are questions you must address to establish a competitive internet marketing platform. You don’t need to perform your own research.

3. Build consumers’ trust and authority
Your competition can beat you without an integrated marketing approach. Bad integrated marketing based on minimal experience, best assumptions, or everyone’s opinions fails.

Without research and expert advice, you may not reach many people. You’ll find new competition if you don’t lose to existing ones. New competitors research instead of relying on “gut reactions.”

4. Make sure that you are the first thing they think of

Not everyone will buy your brand after viewing it once. This includes medical care, plumbing, and window installation.

Integrated marketing is a consumer’s first thought.

Integrated marketing raises awareness. This makes your message visible and memorable.

Marketing takes time. If you haven’t done anything recently, your 6-month-old web blitz may be forgotten.

An integrated approach improves brand trust, helping people remember you. People may recall your company through search engines or social ads. Nil. If someone sees your name at the top of search results, recognizes it from social, and reads your blog, they’ll remember you positively.

This prospect won’t return if you use integrated marketing correctly. You’ll appear when consumers search, creating an “ah-ha!” moment and proving you’re the right business or source.

This type of brand recognition may seem like it requires a lot of marketing firepower and abracadabra, but it’s possible with a standard budget if you know what you’re doing.

5. Save money and time

If you want web marketing campaign approvals, propose solutions that will save the firm time and money.

Free SEO, content marketing. False. Google doesn’t charge for organic search results, and there are “free” ways to optimize (such creating your own content). Free Google Business Profile page for marketing.

No freebies. Your marketing team charges for writing content, managing social posts, and updating your Google Business Profile. Your staff may not be working on other projects or consumer-facing duties if your marketing plan isn’t working.

Most firms can’t live on “free” marketing alone, therefore you likely pay for PPC and web marketing.

Creating an integrated marketing plan saves money and time.

Integrated marketing plans incorporate metrics. This shows how well your money is doing. It helps you identify ineffective techniques so you may save money and boost marketing results.

Well-executed integrated marketing can cut costs. Organic and “free” marketing boosts PPC advertising’ effectiveness. If you do your research and apply smart data with paid marketing, you may focus your audience instead of running wasteful broad campaigns.

If you can’t discover the proper people within, you may spend more on recruitment and hiring. When you work with an outside agency, you can do more with less in marketing, so your money goes into performance instead of training, hiring, and rehiring.

6. Make sure your online messages are consistent and not confusing

Confusing messaging is a swamp that any brand may fall into, and several fundamental issues can contribute to this. Here are some reasons a business may confuse its consumers or offer inefficient digital marketing communications.

Soiled marketing teams or employees who don’t interact or function holistically. These people may think they’re working toward the same goal but have distinct visions, or they may be incohesive and cause overwork by doing similar chores.

Swooping stakeholders. These are CEOs, sales team leaders, and others who provide marketing input or direction rapidly and then leave without understanding the plan’s long-term effects. Because marketing isn’t generating outcomes, a reversal often occurs within days or weeks. If you don’t have an integrated approach with explainable KPIs, you may be redesigning your marketing plan before it’s even started.

Uncertainty about platforms or tools. Blogs and Snapchat don’t support Twitter or Facebook. Your website won’t work without responsive design. Holistic marketing requires extensive expertise. Misunderstanding even one platform or technology might produce uneven marketing.

This marketing dilemma has various solutions. First, you can develop an in-house marketing team by scanning the web for the best people and paying them to stay on top of trends. Or, rent a pre-built team.

7. Your plan should always include a way to win

Multichannel digital marketing agencies worry about eggs in baskets. All your marketing eggs shouldn’t be in one basket (or channel). First, it’s lousy strategy for all the reasons mentioned. Diversification improves odds.

Online marketing is hard: Few businesses control much of it. You’re not one of them.

What if Facebook collapses in a PR nightmare next month? If you rely heavily on social media for marketing, this is bad news. What if Facebook’s paid social media marketing guidelines change?

What happens when Google’s algorithms change and marketers scramble? Your organic SEO attempts may be severely hampered.

What if competition heats up on keywords you’ve relied on for months? Pay-per-click conversions and clicks could plummet.

What if your brand is hit by a Google review campaign or Facebook trolls? If you’ve relied only on the compromised channel for online marketing, you could face large income losses until you recover.

All of these difficulties can affect any organization. Some have happened and will again.

Integrating your digital marketing efforts is one method to hedge your bets and ensure success. All your marketing initiatives should assist each other, but none should be your primary pillar.

Other channels will continue to support your brand as you make changes and address difficulties.

8. Make it easier for shoppers to move through sales funnels

High cart abandonment rates occur when individuals put items in their online shopping basket but don’t complete the purchase. They decline 60-80% on average, and this is just one example of funnel loss.

No matter your business kind, industry, or internet marketing strategy, you’re certainly losing customers. And if you don’t have an excellent integrated digital marketing plan, you’re undoubtedly losing more customers.

Some reasons:

You lack a holistic approach. You grab user attention on SERPs, social, or anywhere online, but that curiosity doesn’t continue over because you’re not on another channel.
Your holistic approach doesn’t work. Your integration breaks user interest. For example, you may target Gen-Zers on Snapchat, but when they swipe to see more, they’re sent to a Gen X landing page. Everything must work together to fill your funnel.
You go shotgun. You may have built targeted PPC advertisements, landing pages, and other content, but few people are biting. Untargeted campaigns are one cause.
These are a few reasons your sales funnel isn’t getting more love from marketing. All of these challenges can be solved with integrated web marketing methods, especially by experts.

If you’re using best practices and outstanding content but not seeing results, there’s likely a broken link. An integrated digital marketing agency can detect and fix broken links to boost online performance.

9. Encourage sharing and brand culture

Remember how we stated consumers today trust authentic and authority brands? Integrated marketing may help you win that trust by driving brand culture.

This works better with a good integrated approach for a few reasons.

With an integrated digital marketing campaign, your message is clear and consistent no matter where the consumer sees it. That reinforces brand integrity and consistency.

When you sound authoritative and communicate with users across many platforms, you boost engagement. This involvement can easily evolve into likes and shares, which tell the internet that people value your brand.

Paid advertising functions as a net, directing consumers to your brand content, where you can display your authority and generate conversions. Without both components, you can’t promote your brand or culture.

Multichannel marketing connects your marketing culture to how people use the internet and devices. Younger generations aren’t single-channel or single-device consumers. They use voice, mobile, and desktop to navigate social profiles, SERPs, forums, and brand pages. If you’re not multichannel, your brand culture may suffer.

Integrated digital marketing also enables you generate native marketing. That means your message is shown as it belongs on the page or profile, not as an ad. It’s not a bait-and-switch because sponsored content is still tagged, but it helps you communicate with your audience in a culturally relevant way.

10. Be ready for tomorrow, but don’t give up today

Getting all nine of the benefits mentioned from an integrated web marketing plan might be a huge victory for your organization. You’ll notice greater results, save time and money, and engage with consumers to establish a culture that makes marketing easier and more productive in the future.

But that’s not even all!

We’ll add one additional benefit of integrated marketing.

Integrated marketing enables you create tactics for tomorrow without sacrificing today’s results. When you’re not limited to one channel or method, you may experiment safely with A/B testing in specific areas of your strategy without weakening the efforts you already know work. And it means you may position your business as a leader.

Marketing trends change, and online companies that do well are usually ahead of the curve. An integrated digital marketing strategy enables you test new concepts and ideas, adopting them slowly across campaigns or an entire strategy as you notice strong results. It also helps you take risks in tiny areas that you may not normally take, which can lead to big successes.

We don’t encourage messing with things arbitrarily. Working with an integrated digital marketing agency is important to success now and in the future. An professional, controlled approach to testing is crucial to ensure you don’t damage items in your marketing strategy or cause online branding concerns.

Your marketing plan can give you all of this and more

Now that you know what an expert organization can do for you with an integrated marketing strategy, it’s time to take action.

Can you afford to keep doing the same thing month after month when online marketing is getting more and more competitive?

Customers are more aware of advertising tricks and want more authenticity and authority even in marketing. Can your business keep getting customers without putting more effort into marketing?


Integrated digital marketing is a complicated field that can’t be mastered with just one tool. The brands that do well online do so through multiple channels and integrated strategies that combine the strengths of the business with best practices and in-depth knowledge that helps predict how people will act.

Don’t get caught off guard or buried by people who are on the rise. No matter what your budget is, what your business goals are, or how much you know about marketing, we can help. We can help organizations of all kinds improve their marketing performance and drive their bottom-line metrics to new heights with our customized approach to integrated marketing services.

As a premier Digital Marketing Agency, Bonelli Systems provides a wide array of services, encompassing everything from email marketing and social media marketing to search engine optimization and business automation. Our commitment to customer satisfaction and our exceptional support set us apart in the field. We believe in investing in our customers, and as they flourish, so do we. Discover more about our services and how we can contribute to your business growth.

Stay in touch with us on our social media platforms. You can find us on FacebookInstagramTwitterWhatsAppMessenger and LinkedIn. Also, don’t miss out on our engaging content on TikTokYouTubePinterest, and Snapchat.

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