Web Strategy, Website Design

Website Creation & Strategy – 7 simple steps to the website creation process

How to go through the website creation process – 7 Steps

Bonelli Systems can help you create more successful websites faster and more efficiently by following a structured process.

Technical aspects such as wireframes, code, and content management are often at the forefront of web designers’ thoughts when designing a website. However, good design is not about how you combine social media buttons or even slick imagery. Great design is really about designing a website process that matches an overarching strategy.

A well-designed website provides more than just visual appeal. It assists people in understanding the product, company, and branding by employing a variety of visual, textual, and interactive cues. Every aspect of your website must therefore be geared towards a specific goal.

How do you combine the two aspects of form and function into a holistic website creation process? That’s what we do.

To design a website, I implement these seven steps:

Working with the client to determine what goals the new website needs to satisfy.

Once we define the scope of the project, we can determine what web pages and features the site needs to accomplish its goals.

Once we have a clear idea of what we want to achieve, we can start digging into the sitemap, defining how the content and features we defined in the scope definition will interrelate.

With a bigger picture in mind, we can start creating content for the individual pages, always keeping SEO in mind to help keep pages focused on a single topic. We must use real content for our next step:

Once the site architecture and some content are in place, we can start working on the visual brand. Depending on the client, this might already be well-defined, but you may also be establishing the visual style from the ground up. Style tiles, mood boards, and element collages are all helpful here.

You’ve already checked out all of your pages and know how they appear to site visitors, so it’s time to make sure they function correctly. Use both manual and automated site crawlers to find everything from simple broken links to poor user experiences.

When everything is operating splendidly, it is time to plan and execute your site launch! You should include both the timing of your launch and your communication strategies — for instance, when will you launch and how will you let the world know? After that, the celebration can begin.

Now that we’ve described the process, let’s look more closely at each step.

There are seven steps to website creation – a simple process.

It’s important to follow these steps when designing, building, and launching your website:

1. Your goal is to identify goals.

During this stage, the designer explores and answers questions to identify the end goal of the website creation.

The questions to explore and answer during this stage of the website creation and development process include:

  • What target audience does it address?
  • What are they looking for or doing?
  • Does this website primarily aim to educate, sell products (ecommerce, perhaps?), or amuse people?
  • Is the website’s purpose to promote the brand’s core message, or is it part of a larger branding strategy with a unique focus?
  • How can this site be inspired by/different from competitors?

This is the most vital phase of any web development process. If these questions are not thoroughly explored during the brief, the entire venture might go awry.

A one-paragraph description of the planned objectives or a well-articulated objective might help the design course correctly. Knowing the target audience and being familiar with the competitive arena is critical.

Identifying website goals is a phase of website creation process.

A user persona describes the target audience.

A description of what you want the creative to accomplish.

Analyses of competitors

What makes a brand unique is its attributes.

The scope of this project is to measure the effectiveness of a marketing campaign by comparing historical data to current behavior.

During the website creation process, scope creep occurs when the client expands, evolves, or changes their original goal, usually without noticing it. This inevitably leads to increased complexity, cost, and time requirements for the finished project.

Designers can often find themselves responsible for addressing increased demands without an increase in funding or timeline. However, it can quickly become an impossible project if increased demands are not matched by an increase in funding or timeline.

2. Gantt chart.

A Gantt chart depicts the stages of a project.

A Gantt chart can be a great tool for defining project objectives and setting time limits, particularly if it includes significant landmarks. This document can help everyone stay focused on the project goals and keep people on track.

Tools for defining scope levels

A contract is an agreement between two or more parties to exchange or do something.

A Gantt chart (or other timeline visualization)

3. Wireframing and Creating a Sitemap

A well-designed website relies on a sitemap as its foundation. It informs web designers about the information architecture and relationships between the website’s pages and content elements.

Building a site without a sitemap is like building a house without a blueprint. That is rarely accomplished successfully.

Next, you need to find visual design inspiration and construct a mockup of the wireframe. Wireframes provide a framework for storing the site’s visual design and content elements, and identifying potential gaps and challenges with the sitemap.

Wireframes don’t include any final design elements, but they do provide a visual guide for how a website will appear. Balsamiq or Webflow may be used to create them. I usually resort to paper and pencil when creating wireframes.

As a content creator, you are responsible for creating and distributing relevant and valuable content on your websites or social media platforms. You can use this guide to reach your content goals in 2019.

Once your website framework is in place, you can begin writing the most important part of the site:

4. The text.

Use of content provides the following benefits:

Content drives user engagement and action.

When a site’s goals are fulfilled, readers are attracted and motivated to take the appropriate actions. The content itself, as well as the typography and structural elements, play a role in this process.

Visitors don’t stay engaged with {lame, lifeless, and overly long} writing because it is excessively wordy and dull. It draws their curiosity and clicks through to other pages, so make sure your text is concise and interesting by chunking it up into short sentences with images. Even if your pages require a lot of content, chunking it into short paragraphs and images will make it light, engaging.

To improve search engine optimization.

Search engine optimisation, or SEO, is the process of creating and improving content to rank well in search.

Keywords and key-phrases are important for any website’s success. I always use Google Keyword Planner. This tool shows the quantity of search queries for potential target keywords and phrases, so you can focus on what people really want to find. Because Google has become increasingly intelligent, your writing strategies must evolve. Google Trends is also a good way to see which terms people actually use to search.

In my design process, we focus on designing websites around SEO keywords. To rank for the keywords you want, you must place them in the title tag—the closer to the beginning, the better. You can also use the H1 tag, meta description, and body content to mention keywords.

Search engines are able to more easily pick up on well-written, informative, and keyword-rich content, helping to make the site easier to find.

It’s crucial that you assist your client in identifying the keywords and phrases they must include in the text. However, the majority of the text should be produced by your client.

Quality content creation tools

A document hosted by Google Docs.

Dropbox Paper is a new service that allows users to upload and share documents directly to the Dropbox cloud file storage service.

Documents can be shared using Dropbox Paper’s file sharing and sharing features or by uploading them directly to a Dropbox Paper account. Documents can be shared using Dropbox Paper’s file sharing and sharing features using the Dropbox Paper web interface or via the Dropbox Paper iOS or Android app.

It’s easy to use and it has excellent social features.

5. Collect Content

A glance at the Google Trends website provides an overview of the popularity of different topics relative to other times.

A spider designed by Screaming Frog to crawl the Search Engine Optimization of websites. For instance, the phrase ‘a spider designed by Screaming Frog to crawl the Search Engine Optimization of websites’ is a synonym for ‘the Search Engine Optimization spider’.

Visual elements are a way to make a website more appealing to visitors.

Visual elements include photos, videos, and graphics that can make a website more attractive.

In order to make a website more appealing, you may add visual elements like photos, videos, and graphics. In order to use visual elements, you must have photo editing software. You can use visual elements like images, video, and other graphics to make a website more appealing. You can also use visual elements like images, video, and other graphics to make a website more memorable. You must have photo editing software in order to use visual elements. You can also use visual elements like images, video, and other graphics to make a website more memorable.

6. The visual style for the site has to be created at last.

Color choices, logos, and existing branding elements will often influence this part of the website creation process. A good web designer may truly shine during this stage of the website creation process.

The importance of high-quality images in web design has skyrocketed nowadays. Images not only look professional and elegant but they also convey a message, are mobile-friendly, and help build trust as well.

Beyond the increased clicks, engagement, and revenue that visual content has been proven to provide, people also desire to see images on a website.

Because images enhance the message in text, as well as carry vital messages without having to read it, they not only make a page feel less cumbersome and more accessible, but they also enhance the message.

Using a professional photographer is the best way to get the photos right. Stock photos are free, but they may slow down a website significantly. I use Optimizilla to squeeze images without losing quality, saving on page-load times. In addition, your photos should be as responsive as your website.

The visual design can determine the success of a website, whether it’s done well or not. It can communicate and appeal to users. If it’s done poorly, it’s just another web address.

Elements for visual tools.

The standard image processing applications (Sketch, Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.)

Moodboards, style tiles, element collages

Visual style guides

7. Testing is performed to determine whether a system is working properly.

You are ready to test the site once all of its visuals and content are in place.

Make sure all links are working and the website performs properly on all devices and browsers. Small coding mistakes may result in errors, and it’s preferable to locate and correct them before deploying the website.

The free SEO Spider from Screaming Frog is a great tool for doing the basic auditing tasks at this stage.

You can perform nearly all of the standard auditing tasks in one tool, and it’s free up to 500 URLs.

Gather information about the page’s keywords and title and see how the meta title and description are positioned. The words in the meta title might affect the performance of a page on a search engine.

The moment you’re satisfied with the design is the moment to go live.

The importance of the launch stage is that it is certainly not the finish of the job. The web is always refreshing and new content and features can continuously be tested after the site goes live. You can monitor Analytics and tune your messaging after the site goes live.


Avoid falling into these traps by thinking through every design decision you make. Why is this button this color? Why are we using tabs? Why should we use icons here? Once you get into the habit of questioning your every design decision, the whole process will become much more focused. Think about the product or organization you’re representing. Think about the target audience and your brand.

As a premier digital marketing agency, Bonelli Systems provides a comprehensive suite of services, which includes strategic design, email marketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, and business automation. Our commitment to customer success and our white-glove support truly set us apart. We believe in investing in our customers because as they grow, we grow.

Stay connected with us on our social media platforms. Connect with us on FacebookInstagramTwitterWhatsAppMessenger, and LinkedIn. Also, don’t miss out on our engaging content on TikTokYouTubePinterest, and Snapchat.

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